I want to make things
make a difference.
Mission-driven full stack developer with a passion for thoughtful UI design, collaboration, and teaching.
I’ve always sought out opportunities and challenges that are meaningful to me. Although my professional path has taken many twists and turns — from touring and recording artist, to employee of the year at a non-profit, to dean's scholar at UPenn, to small business owner and entrepreneur — I've never stopped engaging my passion to help others and solve problems.
As a web developer, I enjoy using my obsessive attention to detail, my unequivocal love for making things, and my mission-driven work ethic to literally change the world. That's why I’m excited to make a big impact at a high growth company.
Current Focus: Accessibility // React // Design Systems
The one-stop commerce platform for retail, hospitality and golf merchants around the world.
- Focusing on front-end development and integrating Upserve's best-in-class insights product into Lightspeed's flagship all-in-one cloud-based POS system.
SaaS platform that enables enterprise companies to build, run, and measure their positive impact campaigns
Develop Product
- Contribute core features across entire stack (20k+ lines of code, 250+ pulls)
- Lead front-end development, creating and documenting app-wide design system
- Oversee transition from page-based styles to modular component styles
- Guide best practices around accessible, semantic UI/UX
- Tools: Ruby, Rails, PostgreSQL // React, JS, jQuery // Sass // HTML, JSX, Haml
- Dramatically increased speed of UI development using atomic, scalable CSS
- Built tool to convert HRIS data into user accounts to simplify onboarding
- Implemented inline @tagging feature to increase app share-ability
SaaS platform that enables enterprise companies to build, run, and measure their positive impact campaigns
- Improved accuracy, coverage, and speed of automated tests
- Created an automated ‘smoke test’ using Ruby and the CrossBrowserTesting API
- Streamlined CLI and deployment, saving 10/hrs week and increasing releases 5x
8-week course for students enrolled in the Fundamentals Classes Intro to Web Design
- Teaching the basics of HTML, CSS, and the principles of responsive design.
- Currently redesigning and building a new, improved Web Design curriculum to be implemented across all SI channels in 2018
- Increased the average student retention rate from less than 40% to more than 95%
- Doubled the average amount of students that move from Funamdentals Classes to the Full-Time program
One-off community class open to the public and sponsored by Resilient Coders
- Taught an introductory seminar covering HTML, CSS, and primarily Bootstrap, with a one-page website deliverable
2-day intensive and interactive courses and lab work with students in the Full Time program.
Web Design topics
- Intro to HTML/CSS
- Fonts, Images,
- Responsive Design
- CSS Frameworks
Web Development topics
- Intro to MVC Rails App
- Rails Associations
- Basic Layout and CSS Best Practices
Competitive , 8-week immersive program that helps individuals to develop the skills, mindset, and network to be high-impact at a high-growth company.
- Technology - Ruby on Rails, Git, AWS, Heroku, Node.js
- Practices - Agile development tactics, test-driven development, mobile-first methodology
Small web development and design studio for businesses, non-profits, and individuals
- Creating easy-to-use CMS websites for clients for local and international clients
- Managing all accounting, communication, and project management
- Generated over $40k in revenue within first year of business, without marketing or promotion
Accessibility consultancy and advocacy project founded by individual with Cerebral Palsy
- Mentored the founder and led a small team in business and creative strategies
- Designed visual branding, wrote copy, and developed website
- Garnered a front-page Providence Journal article within first 9 months
Joint center of The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania
- Observed clinical evaluations of children with ASD provided support to clinicians
- Developed new data entry forms for research intake
Non-profit, arts-based day program for adults with disabilities
- Supported over forty clients daily in a fast-paced, team environment
- Created new method for organizing staff information and clients’ goals, still in use today
- Awarded Employee of the Year out of 30+ employees after only one year of service
- Awarded Most Valuable Staff at Winter Art Show for highest sales and unique client product
Five piece “action rock” band from Cranston, RI
- Built a successful and sustainable small-business with four other founders
- Wrote, produced, and recorded five albums both independently and under Island/DefJam
- Completed 7 full US tours, including one headlining tour
- Created, recruited and managed 2000 member promotional street team

UI redesign of the popular mobile ad platform, styled for Etsy users.
- Restyled UI, design, and branding
- Reorganized user process and flow
- Built with Angular and Bootstrap
- Original & Redesign




Build Tools



Startup Institute - Full Time Web Development | April 2017
- Awarded by students in the Full-Time Web Development track to one instructor as recognition for "outstanding teaching, listening, mentoring."
WeSpire | June 2016
- Quarterly award given to a team member who exemplifies WeSpire's purpose, vision, and values, goes above and beyond in their role to make a particularly positive impact on the company.
Startup Institute | April 2016
- Given to an alumnus who "continually gives back to the Startup Institute community with true humility, despite everyone knowing how awesome he is."
West Philly Homebrew Competition | May 2013
- Neightborhood beer enthusiasts voted on their favorite local home-brewed beer. “Goldilocks" won in the "People's Choice" category.
University of Pennsylvania | April 2013
- One of only 20 students in the School of Arts & Sciences nominated by faculty for "outstanding academic achievement and intellectual promise."
RHD-RI | Aug 2011
- Nominated by management and coworkers for exceptional work ethic and dedication to clients.
RHD-RI | Dec 2010
- Awarded to the staff that went above in beyond in preparation, effort, and sales at the Winter Art show.
Moving my blog to Eleventy, Part 3: Creating Layouts
- Published:
Moving my blog to Eleventy, Part 2: Getting Started
- Published:
Moving my blog to Eleventy, Part 1: Installing Node with NVM
- Published:
Hello, world. And why I'm blogging.
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